Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Zero 7

i was listening to Zero 7 today, and i'm wondering why i haven't done a post on them...??
this is my FAVORITE band. not "one of my favorite"...this is my FAVORITE. number one. the band that i think is the best in the world. the best band i have ever has the pleasure of listening to.
and let me just say that the term "musician" is an understatement for Henry Binns and Sam Hardaker-the two men that make up the group. i would call them composers. they don't usually sing on any of the tracks, though. theres other singers that come in and contribute to the group like Sia (another artist i adore), Jose Gonzalez, and Mozez that add something different with their voices.
most of their pieces have what sounds like an entire orchestral arrangement behind singers, or sometimes just by themselves in their instrumental works. and i could try to put them into an already set genre, but that would be limiting them.
just listen.

first video features Jose Gonzalez, the second and fourth feature Sia, and the third features Mozez. i would suggest watching these videos with your eyes closed so that you're not distracted by the videos if this is your first time hearing their music. but watch the videos too. they're pretty interesting.

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